Undercover Princess
As sons and daughters of the King of Kings, we are royalty. We didn't earn it and we can't loose it. Now it's time to start living like it. Undercover Princess is designed to counteract the cultural-religious trend to teach students to do all the right things fora metaphorical "gold star" on their "heavenly check-list" with the truth that Christ desires a relationship with them, not just good deeds. Many young women faithfully attend church all through grade school only to leave and enter college or the secular working world where they are challenged on every level of their faith. Often they become stagnate in their walk with Christ because they never understood how to maintain a growing relationship with the one who came to give them abundant life. Because of this, it is vital that teen girls learn of the love their Heavenly Father offer, the relationship Christ's death come to give them and the tools they need to grow and be spiritually self-sustaingng as adults. Undercover prPrincess is a twelve week discipleship based bible study designed to do just that.
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